The Black Crowes – Oh Sweet Nuthin’ (Velvet Underground cover)

Oh Sweet Nuthin’ est à l’origine une chanson du Velvet Underground mais il est quasiment impossible de la trouver sur Internet vu que WMG en garde jalousement les droits et supprime tout ce qui apparaît.

Du coup, je vous propose cette magnifique reprise par the Black Crowes :

Intro:    C  Bb  F      C


C         Bb
Say a word for Jimmy Brown
F	 	      C
He ain't got nothing at all
C          Bb
Not a shirt right of his back
F  		     C
He ain't got nothing at all
C	        Bb
And say a word for Ginger Brown
F	         C
Walks with his head down to the ground
C		     Bb
Took the shoes right of his feet
F		   C
To poor boy right out in the street


And this is what he said
C       Bb
Oh sweet nuthin'
F	               C
She ain't got nothing at all
C       Bb
Oh sweet nuthin'
F 		       C
She ain't got nothing at all

Say a word for Polly May
She can't tell the night from the day
They threw her out in the street
But just like a cat she landed on her feet
And say a word for Joanna Love
She ain't got nothing at all
'Cause everyday she falls in love
And every night she falls when she does

She said
Oh sweet nuthin'
You know she ain't got nothing at all
Oh sweet nutin'
She ain't got nothing at all

Oh let me hear you!

Say a word for Jimmy Brown
He ain't got nothing at all
Not a shirt right of his back
He ain't got nothing at all
And say a word for Ginger Brown
Walks with his head down to the ground
Took the shoes right of his feet
To poor boy right out in the street

And this is what he said
Oh sweet nuthin'
She ain't got nothing at all
Oh sweet nuthin'
She ain't got nothing at all
She ain't got nothing at all
Oh sweet nuthin'

She ain't got nothing at all
She ain't got nothing at all
She ain't got nothing at allCode language: PHP (php)

Cela fait du bien par où ça passe ça non ?

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Matt Biscay est développeur WordPress et WooCommerce certifié chez Codeable, ainsi que sysadmin qualifié et enseignant-chercheur. Passionné par le code performant et les solutions sécurisées, je m'efforce d'offrir une expérience utilisateur exceptionnelle sur chaque projet.

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