Snowy, let it snow on your WordPress

Snowy est un plugin pour WordPress qui permet de faire tomber quelques flocons de neige sur votre blog. Il ne requiert pas d’image, les flocons sont générés dynamiquement en DHTML.

Snowy is a WordPress plugin that makes some snowflakes fall all over you blog (ideal for the Christmas season !). It does not require any images, everything is dynamically generated via DHTML.

Dernière version / Latest version : 1.1

Install notes

  • Extract all files in /wp-content/plugins/snowy/
  • Activate the plugin


  • v1.1 (15 Nov 2006) : fixed the script header.
  • v1.0 (12 Nov 2006) : initial release


The script is linkware. A link back here would be appreciated if you use the script.
And you can always show your appreciation by clicking the donate button ;-)

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Matt Biscay est développeur WordPress et WooCommerce certifié chez Codeable, ainsi que sysadmin qualifié et enseignant-chercheur. Passionné par le code performant et les solutions sécurisées, je m'efforce d'offrir une expérience utilisateur exceptionnelle sur chaque projet.

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51 pensées sur “Snowy, let it snow on your WordPress”

  1. I’ll enable the plugin on this site on December 1st :)
    Version 1.1 fixes a bug in the header – you can now upload the whole folder to the plugin directory.

  2. Hello, all the plugin files should be located in /wp-content/plugins/snowy/. The script folder name needs to be “snowy” and nothing else (yours is “snow”).

  3. I think I goosed the prefs just a little after seeing that making flakes too big or too many really slowed down performance.


  4. You’re right Bill, too many flakes hog the page.

    Cliff, try to modify this value to increase the size :

    sfs[i] = Math.round(1 + Math.random() * 1);

  5. just check again and it does work, but only in Intenet, not on firefox!

    even if I did turn on the option to run the script in firefox!

    can you help?


  6. Kevin, everything works the same in IE and Firefox. What do you mean with “I did turn on the option to run the script in firefox” ? The script has no options : you either activate or desactivate it.

  7. If you check in the .js

    you can tell it to run in firefox or not..

    now i turned the plugin off but before it worked only in IE, though yours works both on IE and FF.

    Maybe I’ve got an error in my code and that’s what makes it not work with FF.

    anyway instead I animated my welcome image with some snow so.. better than nothing!

  8. Kevin, try to redownload the plugin and activate it. The snow might not be very visible on your design, try changing the color of the flakes in the .js file. The CKYF website made them black for instance.

  9. Didn’t change a thing sadly,

    and the snow color isn’t the problem since I can see it in IE…

    I really think the problem is an error in my code since other plugins I tried had errors too, I went for the easy bit and added an animated .gif instead.

    Merci de ton aide! :)

  10. Hi There,
    I followed the instructions and read the comments when I hit a dead end. Unfortunately the script still doesn’t work for me. Is there something I’m doing wrong? Appreciate any help.

  11. Hi,

    Kevin, if you have issues with other plugins too that may explain why it does not work. Pas de quoi :)

    Jasmin : the plugin works out-of-the-box provided conditions are respected :
    – it must reside in /wp-content/plugins/snowy/
    – your theme’s footer.php file must have the do_action('wp_footer'); instruction.

  12. hi, I had activated the plugin, but still cannot show the snow effect. Would be great if you can help on this. thx!! ^^

  13. Hello,

    swannivision, footer.php must have the do_action(‘wp_footer’) ; instruction. Your theme seems broken : you have a closing table after the </html> tag

    Rick, I’ve got no idea why it doesn’t work with Firefox. I tried on IE and it appears fine but outputs JS errors. It may be related.

    iKArus : I’m glad it works for you :)

  14. Hi, thanks for the plugin but actually I got a little problem. On your blog I see the snow on both IE and FF. But when I activated it on this blog I can see them only on IE. Any clue about this ?

    I downloaded from the link above, unzip then upload where it should be.

  15. J’ai trouvé !
    I found the solution for FF !
    Just put the do_action() in the right div, not just before de body tag !
    Put it in the inner div.

  16. Hallo, I would like to install, this plugin, but I have a question???
    Can I change the snow from point to this star-sign ==> *
    What I have to change in the code?

    Thank you very much for helping me, I appreciate it!!!!



  17. Ce plugin a vraiment l’air génial, mais lorsque j’essaye de le télécharger, j’obtiens un dossier vide.
    Est-ce moi ou alors un problème de fichier?
    Merci d’avance! ;-)

  18. Hello,

    Elena > the flakes are generated automatically, with different sizes and shapes everytime. If you need a certain picture, you may have more luck with a script that uses pictures.

    Duerre > utilises-tu Safari par hasard ? Ce navigateur semble avoir des soucis avec les redirections :-/ Je t’envoie le fichier sur ta boîte mail.

  19. @==>Matt

    Thank you very much for your answer, but I didn’t want use any picture or .gif!
    I would like this sign ==> ******** (star), if is this possible to change?

  20. Bonjour,

    J’utilise votre merveilleux script depuis hier, seulement, j’aimerais que les “flocons” qui sont générés soit un peu plus gros. J’espère donc que vous pourrez m’aider à le réaliser. En attendant votre réponse avec impatience,

    Bonne journée.

  21. Hello,

    Elena > it’s impossible to change without rewriting the script totally. The size and shape of the flakes are generated randomly.

    Dimitri > il est possible d’influer sur la taille des flocons en changeant les valeurs de la ligne 32 du fichier snowy.js :

    sfs[i] = Math.round(1 Math.random() * 1);

    comme ceci par exemple :

    sfs[i] = Math.round(2 Math.random() * 1);

    Note : les flocons sont censés être petits, trop gros ils deviennent pixellisés !

