Séries TV: la scène plébiscite le x264 au détriment du XviD

Il y a quelques semaines, la “scene” s’est réunie pour discuter des standards des releases et a décidé d’abandonner le format XviD (.avi) au profit du format x264 (.mp4) pour les releases en SD (Simple Definition).

Analyse de la situation.

Pourquoi ce changement ?

La raison invoquée dans le document intitulé The SD x264 TV Releasing Standards 2012 est que “le x264 est devenu le codec vidéo le plus avancé de ces dernières années, capable de fournir une meilleure qualité et une meilleure compression que le XviD à de plus grandes résolutions SD. Il permet aussi un meilleur contrôle et une grande transparence des réglages d’encodage”.

Les nouvelles règles sont donc édictées et les groupes qui ne s’y conformeront pas prennent le risque de voir leurs releases “nuked”.

Ce document est signé par les groupes ASAP, BAJSKORV, C4TV, D2V, DiVERGE, FTP, KYR, LMAO, LOL, MOMENTUM, SYS, TLA et YesTV. Autant dire qu’à partir de maintenant, ce sera x264 pour tout le monde.

Qu’est-ce que cela change pour nous ?

Alors c’est simple, tout dépend de votre lecteur. Si vous lisez vos séries sur un iPod/iPhone/iPad, le MP4 ne posera aucun problème. Si votre platine DivX lit le MP4, aucun problème.

Si vous avez une Freebox, aucun problème non plus, avec les dernières mises à jour. Pensez à rebooter votre box pour récupérer le dernier firmware.

En gros, la scene a choisi un nouveau format bien moins répandu/lisible/universel que l’ancien. La raison évoquée (qualité d’image) me semble un peu éculée, étant donné que l’on reste en SD.

Toujours est-il que toutes les releases sont maintenant en x264, ce qui signe l’arrêt de la diffusion des séries en XviD à moyen et long terme.

The SD x264 TV Releasing Standards 2012

A titre d’information, voici l’intégralité du document:

-                                                                             -
-                  The SD x264 TV Releasing Standards 2012                    -
-                              Lªªª[ INTRO ]ªªª-                              -
-                                                                             -
- x264 has become the most advanced video codec over the past few years.      -
- Compared to XviD, it is able to provide higher quality and compression at   -
- greater SD resolutions. It also allows better control and transparency over -
- encoding settings. With CRF in the mix, we can also ensure that a diverse   -
- array of material will get the most appropriate bitrate for them and not    -
- arbitrary and fixed sizes. This standard aims to bring quality control back -
- to SD releases. There are many standalone players/streamers such as TviX,   -
- Popcorn Hour, WDTV HD Media Player, Boxee, Xtreamer, PS3, XBOX 360, iPad, & -
- HDTVs that can playback H264 and AAC encapsulated in MP4.                   -
-                                                                             -
- The SD x264 TV section was formed to separate releases from the ruleless    -
- world of TV-XviD. This document will cover the rules and guidelines for     -
- only SD resolution x264 television rips.                                    -
-                                                                             -
-                          Lªªª[ RELEASE RULES ]ªªª-                          -
-                                                                             -
-  Compliance with this document is optional as of its pre date, and          -
-  mandatory as of 2012-02-22 16:00 UTC.                                      -
-                                                                             -
-  Video:                                                                     -
-   - Sources requiring resize are to be cropped and resized using sharp      -
-     resizers such as  Lanczos/Lanczos4, Spline36, or Blackman. Bicubic is   -
-     banned.                                                                 -
-   - HD video taken from the decoded HD output of a set-top box (e.g.        -
-     component, DVI, HDMI) may be used as a source; source must be tagged    -
-     in dirname as AHDTV. Decoded output of PDTV or DSR sources is banned.   -
-     Releases taken from a natively recorded transport stream shall be tagged-
-     as HDTV, PDTV, or DSR. Dupes are as follows: HDTV > AHDTV > PDTV > DSR. -
-     AHDTV captures must be done at the native format of the channel, e.g.   -
-     720p or 1080i.                                                          -
-   - Sources that sideconvert 1080i to 720p (such as BellTV) are allowed but -
-     must be tagged as PDTV or DSR.                                          -
-   - If there is a question as to the validity of a source, the release      -
-     may be nuked source.sample.requested_ (e.g.            -
-     source.sample.requested_suspicion.of.analog.source) within 24 hours of  -
-     pre. The group has 24 hours from the nuke to pre a RARed SOURCE.SAMPLE  -
-     that is at least 10 seconds in length in order to document that the     -
-     source is valid. Failure to provide source proof or providing bad       -
-     source proof shall result in the release remaining nuked, and it may    -
-     then be propered.                                                       -
-   - Improper IVTC methods that result in jerky playback, such as Force      -
-     Film, are banned                                                        -
-   - Interlaced video sources must be deinterlaced with a smart deinterlacer -
-     such as Yadif. FieldDeinterlace is banned.                              -
-   - Group watermarks of any kind on the video are banned                    -
-   - Intros, outros, betweenos, or any other form of defacement of the       -
-     episode are banned                                                      -
-   - "Native" refers to the standard in which the video was produced (e.g.   -
-     NTSC or PAL). NTSC produced video is native to NTSC, PAL produced video -
-     is native to PAL. PAL produced video that is broadcast in NTSC is       -
-     converted. NTSC produced video that is broadcast in PAL is converted.   -
-   - Converted video that has significant artifacting (e.g. blended frames)  -
-     and cannot be reversed to native must use CONVERT tag                   -
-   - Converted video that does not have significant artifacts does not need  -
-     convert tags and may not be nuked for the conversion                    -
-   - Native releases are allowed after those tagged CONVERT. Use NATIVE tag. -
-                                                                             -
-  Audio:                                                                     -
-   - Allowed audio formats are VBR AAC LC (Low Complexity).                  -
-   - Average bitrate on AAC audio must be 96 - 160 kbps.                     -
-   - AAC audio must be normalized and downconverted to stereo.               -
-   - Nero and Apple encoders are recommended. FFmpeg is banned.              -
-   - Dupes  based  on audio format are forbidden and must be tagged INTERNAL -
-   - Multiple language audio tracks are allowed and must be listed in NFO    -
-   - Dupes are not allowed based on multiple audio tracks                    -
-   - Severe audio drops resulting in one full missing word or otherwise the  -
-     inability to  understand material dialogue is considered to be a        -
-     technical flaw and may be propered                                      -
-   - Audio that is 120ms or more out of sync or drifts more than 120ms       -
-     between any two points (e.g. needing -80 at one and +40 at another) is  -
-     considered to be technically flawed and may be propered                 -
-                                                                             -
-  Framerate:                                                                 -
-   - IVTC or deinterlacing must be applied as needed                         -
-   - 50/60fps video may be released at 50/60fps or 25/30fps. Releasing true  -
-     25/30fps video at 50/60 is considered a technical flaw.                 -
-   - In rare cases, 25/50Hz sources should be IVTC'd to 24 or 30 fps.        -
-   - In rare cases, 30/60Hz sources should be IVTC'd to 25fps.               -
-     Failure to apply IVTC when needed is a technical flaw.                  -
-                                                                             -
-  Codec/Container:                                                           -
-   - Video codec must be x264 (8-bit depth).                                 -
-   - Container must be MP4.                                                  -
-   - You will have 30 days from latest  x264  rev date to update in order to -
-     maintain all bug fixes and improvements in the x264 codec               -
-   - Stripping or falsifying encode information in the file header is banned -
-   - Custom  muxing  tools are permitted; however, output must be compatible -
-     with standard demuxers.                                                 -
-   - Custom Matrices are allowed                                             -
-   - Encoded colorspace must be 4:2:0.                                       -
-   - Deblocking  must  be  used;  values are at the discretion of the group. -
-     (default is enabled, 0:0 settings)                                      -
-   - No setting can go below what is specified by --preset slow.             -
-   - Keyframe  interval  (--keyint) must be at least 200 and at most 300. It -
-     is  recommended  to  be  10*framerate  (film=240,  PAL=250,  NTSC=300). -
-   - Minkeyint must be 30 or less                                            -
-   - Colormatrix must be set to source specification. If not specified by    -
-     source, bt709 must be used for sources with resolution greater than or  -
-     equal to 1280x720 (e.g. HDTV and some PDTV) and sources with lower      -
-     resolutions must use bt601 (e.g. DSR and some PDTV).                    -
-   - Constant Rate Factor (--crf) must be as follows:                        -
-     -ªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªTªªªªªªªTªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªª¼ -
-     - Compressibility -  CRF  - General Examples                          - -
-     +ªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªª+ªªªªªªª+ªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªª+ -
-     - High            - 19-20 - Scripted, Talk Shows, Poker, Animation    - -
-     - Medium          - 21-22 - Documentary, Reality, Variety             - -
-     - Low             - 23-24 - Sports, Awards, Live Events, Competitive- - -
-     -                 -       - Reality                                   - -
-     Lªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªª+ªªªªªªª+ªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªª- -
-   - x264 parameters shall not vary within a release                         -
-   - Zones (--zones) are forbidden.                                          -
-   - Any deviation in CRF from given examples must be specifically justified -
-     in the NFO. Use discretion when deviating CRF by matching the           -
-     compressibility of the show to a corresponding CRF value. CRF values    -
-     below 19 and above 24 are never permitted.                              -
-   - As a general suggestion, average video bitrate in excess of 1500kb/s    -
-     is a sign that a higher CRF value should be chosen, when possible       -
-   - Allowed parameters for --tune (optional) are film/grain/animation       -
-   - Level 3.1 must be respected.                                            -
-   - Suggested command line:                                                 -
-     x264.exe --crf ## --preset slow --level 3.1 --colormatrix bt709 -o      -
-     out.h264 in.avs                                                         -
-                                                                             -
-  Resolution:                                                                -
-   - WS HDTV and WS PDTV sources with greater than 720px horizontal res must -
-     be cropped as needed and resized to 720px width and mod2 height to      -
-     maintain proper AR.                                                     -
-   - WS PDTV sources with horizontal source res of 720-704px must be cropped -
-     as needed and only height must be resized to the proper anamorphic AR   -
-     using mod2. Upscaling/downscaling is forbidden.                         -
-   - All other sources, including FS HDTV, must be cropped as needed and     -
-     resized to 640px width and mod2 height to maintain proper AR.           -
-   - When cropping, remove everything that is not actual picture, including  -
-     black or other colored borders, duplicate lines, and full-time tickers. -
-     Removing or retaining fading edges is at capper's discretion and shall  -
-     not be considered undercropped or overcropped.                          -
-   - In the case of varying crops, crop to the most common frame size (e.g.  -
-     pitch/primary view in sports).                                          -
-   - Actual picture area may be over- or under-cropped by 1px maximum per    -
-     side. More than 1px on any side is considered a technical flaw.         -
-   - Encoded Video resolution must be within 2% of the original aspect ratio -
-     To calculate AR error (%): (Original AR - Release AR)/Original AR * 100 -
-     OAR = (SourceWidth-CropLeft-CropRight)/(SourceHeight-CropTop-CropBottom)-
-     Release AR  = EncodedWidth / EncodedHeight                              -
-                                                                             -
-  Subs:                                                                      -
-   - Optional, but encouraged                                                -
-   - Text based format is preferred (e.g. SubRip, SubStation Alpha, etc).    -
-   - Subtitles must be in "Subs" directory.                                  -
-   - Burned subtitles will only be allowed when the source exhibits such     -
-     subtitles in the picture itself                                         -
-   - Subtitles cannot be used as a basis for a dupe                          -
-   - Group marks in subtitles are banned                                     -
-                                                                             -
-  Packaging:                                                                 -
-   - Releases must be packed in RAR file format.                             -
-   - Rars may be in 15, 20, or multiples of 50 MB. 15 and 20 MB sizes must   -
-     contain 1-101 files. Multiples of 50 MB must contain 10-101 files.      -
-     1MB = 1,000,000 bytes.                                                  -
-   - Multi-episode  releases  with no clear delineation such as credits must -
-     not be split                                                            -
-   - RAR compression must not be used                                        -
-   - Recovery and MD5 record are optional                                    -
-   - Encryption or password protection is forbidden                          -
-   - Must have SFV and NFO                                                   -
-   - RAR, SFV, and sample files must have unique, lowercase filenames with   -
-     the group tag.                                                          -
-   - Missing SFV or RAR(s) on all sites is considered a technical flaw.      -
-     Corrupt RARs (errors on extraction) are considered technical flaws.     -
-     SFVFix and RARFix are not permitted. Uploading a missing SFV or RAR to  -
-     all presites after pre is not permitted. Release REPACK.                -
-                                                                             -
-  Credits/Previously On:                                                     -
-   - Previously on footage is optional, but suggested to be included         -
-   - Full end credits must be included if they contain show content or       -
-     outtakes/bloopers. End credits are optional and suggested if they are   -
-     clean, and purely optional in other cases.                              -
-                                                                             -
-  Samples:                                                                   -
-   - REQUIRED!                                                               -
-   - 50-70 seconds in length and  in  a  separate  folder  marked  as Sample -
-   - Must be taken from the episode, not encoded separately                  -
-   - Stream samples are recommended for any questionable issue with the      -
-     source, e.g. no IVTC possible                                           -
-                                                                             -
-  Propers:                                                                   -
-   - Propers are only permitted in the case of a technical flaw in the       -
-     original release (e.g. Bad IVTC, Interlacing, missing footage, bad crop,-
-     commercials, bad x264 settings used, bad source, etc.)                  -
-   - Scrolling or other alert messages added by a station (e.g. weather,     -
-     Amber alerts) must be at least 30 seconds in length in order to         -
-     nuke/proper                                                             -
-   - Drops with missing footage but no missing dialog must be at least 2     -
-     seconds long in any one instance to be considered a technical flaw      -
-   - Proper  reason  must  be clearly stated in nfo, including timecodes and -
-     extent of the flaw when appropriate                                     -
-   - Sample of propered release is encouraged                                -
-   - Qualitative propers are not allowed                                     -
-   - Flaws  (such  as  drops) present in any optional content are not a flaw -
-     and shall not be nuked or propered.                                     -
-   - Propers based upon the rules set forth here are allowed only on         -
-     releases that come after this document goes into effect                 -
-                                                                             -
-  Internals:                                                                 -
-   - Internals are allowed to be pred for any reason, including releases     -
-     with technical flaws or those done with alternate codecs, containers,   -
-     or settings for experimental purposes                                   -
-   - Any severe technical flaws or deviations must be mentioned in the NFO   -
-   - With the exception of the following rule, internal releases may only be -
-     nuked for severe technical flaws or deviations that are not mentioned   -
-     in the NFO                                                              -
-   - Using  DIRFIX.iNTERNAL to avoid a dupe nuke is banned, and such         -
-     dirfixes shall be nuked fix.for.nuke                                    -
-                                                                             -
-  Directory Naming:                                                          -
-   - Show.Name.SXXEXX.Episode.Title.HDTV.x264-GROUP                          -
-   - Show.Name.YYYY.MM.DD.Guest.Name.HDTV.x264-GROUP for daily or other      -
-     dated shows                                                             -
-   - Episode title and guest name are optional                               -
-   - Show.Name.PartXX.HDTV.x264-GROUP for miniseries                         -
-   - ALL others are FORBIDDEN. (e.g 0x00 000 EXX.EP.TITLE PART.VI)           -
-     Sport:                                                                  -
-     - League.YYYY.MM.DD.Event.EXTRA.TAGS.HDTV.x264-GROUP                    -
-     - Competition.YYYY-MM.Event.EXTRA.TAGS.HDTV.x264-GROUP                  -
-     Using just the year is only permitted if the event is once per year     -
-     (e.g. a WWE PPV). In the case of leagues which have seasons that span   -
-     multiple years, it is permissible to tag the release with just the years-
-     of the season. Inclusion of MM and DD is mandatory for all constantly   -
-     running shows (e.g. WWE).                                               -
-     If there is no league, the sport needs to be used instead               -
-     The following are some examples of correct directory names:             -
-     - EPL.2010.01.01.Manchester.United.vs.Arsenal.HDTV.x264-GROUP           -
-     - TNA.Impact.2010.03.02.HDTV.x264-GROUP                                 -
-     - WWE.WrestleMania.2010.PPV.HDTV.x264-GROUP                             -
-     - Tennis.US.Open.2011.Final.Player1.vs.Player2.HDTV.x264-GROUP          -
-   - Different  shows  that have the same title in different countries (e.g. -
-     The Marriage Ref) must have the ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 country code in the  -
-     directory name, except for UK shows (e.g. The.Marriage.Ref.UK not       -
-     The.Marriage.Ref.GB). ISO country code is not needed for the original   -
-     show (e.g. The.Marriage.Ref.US is forbidden).                           -
-   - Different shows with the same name in the same country produced in      -
-     different years must have the year of the first season in the directory -
-     name, e.g. Human.Target.2010 and Doctor.Who.2005. Year is not needed    -
-     for the first show with a particular name.                              -
-   - Channel name (e.g. National.Geographic, History.Channel) shall not be   -
-     tagged on any normal series starting after this ruleset's effective     -
-     date. Miniseries and single-episode docus may optionally be tagged with -
-     the channel name.                                                       -
-   - The use of audio format tags such as AAC, and AAC.x.x is FORBIDDEN      -
-   - READ.NFO tag is allowed; however, discretion is recommended             -
-   - PROPER.READ.NFO is NOT allowed. The NFO is REQUIRED to have a reason;   -
-     therefore, the tag is redundant.                                        -
-   - All repacks must include detailed reason as to why it's being repacked  -
-     in the nfo                                                              -
-   - Other  permitted  tags are: PROPER, REPACK, RERIP, REAL, UNCUT, DUBBED, -
-     SUBBED, iNTERNAL, OAR, PPV, CONVERT, NATiVE                             -
-   - Acceptable  characters  in  naming  a  directory  include (NO spaces or -
-     double dots - single dots ONLY):                                        -
-                                                                             -
-       ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ                                            -
-       abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz                                            -
-       0123456789._-                                                         -
-                                                                             -
-  Nukes:                                                                     -
-   Releases must be nuked for any of the following reasons:                  -
-   - Any valid proper listed in the propers section                          -
-   - Missing nfo, or missing Sample                                          -
-   - Invalid directory naming format                                         -
-   - Mislabeled  directory  that  could  prevent  finding  the  release in a -
-     dupecheck,  including  incorrect season/episode/date or incorrect title -
-   - Dupe                                                                    -
-   - Releases may not be propered for bad tagging or missing nfo/sample      -
-                                                                             -
-   Fixes:                                                                    -
-   - The  following  fixes are  allowed: NFOFix, SampleFix, DirFix, SyncFix, -
-     ProofFix                                                                -
-   - DirFix requires NFO and NFO must state which release is being fixed     -
-   - The original release shall be unnuked when a valid fix is released      -
-   - A proper may not be released for an issue that was fixed, unless the    -
-     fix does not completely correct the issue                               -
-                                                                             -
-             The SD x264 TV Releasing Standards 2012 (2012-02-22)            -
-                                                                             -
-                        Lªªªªªªªª[ GROUPS ]ªªªªªªªª-                         -
-                                                                             -
-              TVx2642012 rules created by the following groups:              -
-              ªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªª              -
-                   ASAP BAJSKORV C4TV D2V DiVERGE FTP KYR                    -
-                       LMAO LOL MOMENTUM SYS TLA YesTV                       -
-                                                                             -
   LTªªª\   Thanks to the x264 developers for their assistance in     /ªªªT-
    LTªªª\      determining assistance in determining the best       /ªªªT-
     Lªªªª\                mix of encode settings.                  /ªªªª-Code language: PHP (php)

Réactions des end-users

Il est assez amusant de voir les gens s’agacer de ce changement, comme si tout leur était dû… ils oublient que la scene ne font pas ça pour nous mais pour eux. Ils le font par challenge, pour s’amuser et c’est seulement lorsque les releases fuitent que le grand public y a accès, lorsqu’ils sont uploadés sur Bittorrent ou autres cyberlockers.

Il existe pour le moment une cohabitation des deux formats et certains vont jusqu’à réencoder les fichiers en XviD.

Personnellement, il me semble plus judicieux de s’adapter au nouveau format, quitte à lui faire subir une petite conversion au conteneur MKV. Be wise and adapt.

Amazon Prime Video


Matt Biscay est développeur WordPress et WooCommerce certifié chez Codeable, ainsi que sysadmin qualifié et enseignant-chercheur. Passionné par le code performant et les solutions sécurisées, je m'efforce d'offrir une expérience utilisateur exceptionnelle sur chaque projet.

Vous avez aimé cet article ? Vous avez un projet en tête, n'hésitez pas à me contacter, je serai ravi d'en discuter avec vous !

2 pensées sur “Séries TV: la scène plébiscite le x264 au détriment du XviD”

  1. hummmm.
    Je comprends mieux la prolifération de post de mes séries préférées en double. Je me demandais le pourquoi de l’apparition soudaine des release en x264.
    Merci Matt de pouvoir éclairer ma lanterne sur ces sujets toujours … obscurs.

