Rory Gallagher – As The Crow Flies (Live)

Voilà un bonhomme que j’aurais bien aimé voir en concert.

Rory rocks.

Paroles : “As The Crow Flies” (originally by Tony Joe White)

As the crow flies, baby
Will I ain’t so far from you
As the crow flies, baby
Will I ain’t so far from you
But since I don’t have wings
I can’t get home as fast as I want to
As the crow flies, baby
Will I ain’t so far from you
As the crow flies, baby
Will I ain’t so far from you
But since I don’t have wings
I can’t get home as fast as I want to
In a dream last night
Where I heard you call my name
In a dream last night
Where I heard you call my name

Well, I took it as an omen
And I jumped on the very first weight train
Yeah, as the crow flies
Well, you don’t know baby
How I miss you sweet caress
Well, you don’t know baby
How I miss you sweet caress
When I’m in your lovin’ arms
I swear I make my very best
As the crow flies, baby
That’s how I’m on my way
As the crow flies, baby
I’m on my way
But don’t stop runnin’
I can get home for the break of day
Get home for the break of day
Get home for the break of day
Get home for the break of day
Get home for the break of day
Get home for the break of day
Get home for the break of day
Get home for the break of day

Et pour les gratteux, la tablature de As The Crow Flies est disponible sur la page de Rory Gallagher.

Amazon Prime Video


Matt Biscay est développeur WordPress et WooCommerce certifié chez Codeable, ainsi que sysadmin qualifié et enseignant-chercheur. Passionné par le code performant et les solutions sécurisées, je m'efforce d'offrir une expérience utilisateur exceptionnelle sur chaque projet.

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