Jake La Motta: “did you fuck my wife ?” (Raging Bull)

Jake La Motta (Robert De Niro): Did you fuck my wife ?

Joey La Motta (Joe Pesci): What ?!

Jake La Motta: Did you fuck my wife ?

Joey La Motta: [pauses, looks insulted] How could you ask me a question like that ? How could you ask me ? I’m your brother. You ask me that ? Where do you get your balls big enough to ask me that ?

Jake La Motta: [cooly] Just tell me.

Joey La Motta: I’m not answerin’ ya. I’m not gonna answer that. It’s stupid.

Jake La Motta: You’re very smart Joey. You give me all these answers, but you ain’t givin’ me the right answer. I’m askin’ ya again. Did you or did you not?

Joey La Motta: [frightened but controlled] I’m not gonna answer. That’s a sick question, you’re a sick fuck, and I’m not that sick that I’m gonna answer it. I’m not tellin’ ya anything… I’m gonna leave.

If Lenore calls, tell her I went home. I’m not staying in this nuthouse with you, you’re a sick mess, I feel sorry for ya, I really do. You know what you should do ? Try a little more fuckin’ and a little less eatin’. You won’t have troubles upstairs in your bedroom and you won’t pick it up on me and everybody else.

Do you understand, you fuckin’ wacko? You’re crackin’ up! Fuckin’ screwball, ya ! [walks out the door]

From Raging Bull, 1980.


Matt Biscay est développeur WordPress et WooCommerce certifié chez Codeable, ainsi que sysadmin qualifié et enseignant-chercheur. Passionné par le code performant et les solutions sécurisées, je m'efforce d'offrir une expérience utilisateur exceptionnelle sur chaque projet.

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