Pulp Fiction : it’s the one that says “Bad Motherfucker”

My Bad Motherfucker !

Honey Bunny (Amanda Plummer): I wanna go home!

Jules (Samuel L. Jackson): Just hang in there, baby, you’re doing’ great, I’m proud of you and Ringo’s proud of you! It’s almost over. Tell her you’re proud!

Pumpkin (Tim Roth): I’m proud of you Honey Bunny.

Honey Bunny: I love you!

Pumpkin: I love you too Honey Bunny.

Jules : (to Pumpkin) Now. I want you to go in that bag and find my wallet.

Pumpkin: Which one is it?

Jules: It’s the one that says Bad Motherfucker.

(Pumpkin seeks in the bag)

Jules: That’s it! That’s my bad motherfucker. Open it up and take out the money.

(Pumpkin opens the wallet, and takes the cash)

Jules: Count it!

(Pumpkin counts)

Jules: How much is there?

(Pumpkin counts again)

Pumpkin: About fifteen hundred dollars.

Jules: Okay, put it in your pocket, it’s yours. Now with the rest of those wallets and the register, that makes this a pretty successful little score eh?

– From Pulp Fiction

Amazon Prime Video


Matt Biscay est développeur WordPress et WooCommerce certifié chez Codeable, ainsi que sysadmin qualifié et enseignant-chercheur. Passionné par le code performant et les solutions sécurisées, je m'efforce d'offrir une expérience utilisateur exceptionnelle sur chaque projet.

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2 pensées sur “Pulp Fiction : it’s the one that says “Bad Motherfucker””

  1. You’re welcome buddy ;-)
    That post is dedicated to my 3 mates : Ben, Arthur and Arnaud. It kind of sums up the time we’ve done together at a certain institution… ^_^

