– M’sieur, z’êtes anglais ou américain ?
– Pourquoi cette question ?
– Quand vous dîtes not’ nom ben vous avez un pitit axxent !
– Ah, c’est possible…
– En fait, vous zavez trop une tête d’anglais !!!
– Super sympa ça… c’est quoi ton nom à toi déjà – attends, bouge pas je le note…
– Haaaan !!! M’sieur vous z’avez quoi dans le dos ?
– Le sang du dernier élève qui a parlé sans lever la main.
– Ah bon ? (regards inquiets)
– No, I’m hot. It’s about 30 degrees out there.
– Haaaan !!! Mais faut prendre une douche !!!
– Man ! You’d better stop being a jackass RIGHT NOW ! Yellow card for now. Keep heading that way and there’s gonna be some nasty extra work waiting for you…
Damn !! they’re pretty nasty aren’t they ?
God my pupils are just as stupid and they are getting on nerves quite badly (4eme)but i’m on them i’m telling you. There’s gonna be some rough time for them ahead…..; and i’ll enjoy every second of it !!
keep it up and good luck !!!!!
Don’t loose your grip on them mate, that’s what I do and it works pretty well so far. They have to be told who is the man and where their limits are. And remember our official motto… no pain, no gain !!! ^_^
And when does the goddam pain stop ???????!!!!!!
It never will, that’s the beauty of the job. We’re masochists really LOL
That’s us alright !!!
Sort them out right guys ! Or else it’s gonna be sore in morning !!! So far it’s okay for me, just a couple of “shut it up or i’ll kick yer arses”
i’m the head of the class right ….
And one student out this afternoon !
Bring ’em on !!!
Man ,I love it!!! Am so looking forward to reading part II. For now it seems to me that am the lucky one. my students are cool and the gang , I had to drop only one nice “fucking A, SHUT UP” with one of my 3eme but that’s it !!! Anyway GO FOR IT buddies kill’em all
Arthur, man i thought,ye were out of this country __ Long time no news … How the devil are you ?, Drop me a line sometimes __
Hey Arthur is back !!! So you’ve got nice kids, that’s good news buddy ^_^
How about a meet-up sometimes soon ?
Bon alors un petit truc d’ici qui te servira l’été prochain: mets un marcel en coton sous ta chemise et ta transpiration de paraîtra plus. Les mecs font tous ça ici, c’est pas sexy, mais c’est toujours mieux que les traces de transpiration, et t’auras pas plus chaud.